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Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)

Delano Early Childhood Family Education is here for you!

An ECFE child and caregiver playing together

We recognize that families provide children their first and most important learning environment and that parents are children’s first and most significant teachers.  Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a voluntary public school program for all Minnesota families with children between the ages of birth and kindergartenOur Early Childhood Family Educators work hard to provide program options that allow safe learning connections and quality age appropriate content. 

Why ECFE? 

  • Supports parents in their child raising efforts;
  • Offers information about child development and parenting techniques/tips;
  • Helps parents and their child communicate better;
  • Gives children an opportunity to discover and learn;
  • Promotes positive parental attitudes; and
  • Provides information on community resources available to parents and children.



Community Education Center
2nd St. and Elm Avenue
Delano, MN 55328

Note: Classroom numbers are listed at the end of each class description.